What our pupils think

At Hunton, you are accepted for who you are. We go on sport tournaments, not necessarily if you're good at it but if you want to go. You get free school dinners up to year 2 and get as much help with your learning as your teacher can give you. Our lessons are fun but we still learn a lot, the teachers press us to do our best. Apart from Mathematics and English, some of the other subjects we do are: Geography, History, Art, DT, Science and PE
Harriet, year 6
Hunton is a very good school in my opinion because the teachers are kind and they work hard to plan good lessons. I feel safe at Hunton and I like the challenges in the lessons and the teachers make you try your best. Also I like the sport we do, like the football matches and tournaments and we sometimes do hockey and netball. The school trips are fun because we go to PGL, Chessington and Sky Studios.
Joshua, year 6
Life for pupils at Hunton CEP School is great and we have many great experiences at school trips. Although we have fun, we are challenged as far as we can go in every academic year. We at Hunton are encouraged to believe in ourselves and reach our highest potential. In addition, the staff and all the teachers are very reliable and know we are really special in our own way. At Hunton everyone is accepted and we get as much help as we need. We are very lucky at Hunton in many different ways, one of the reasons are the tournaments we participate outside school.
Ella, year 5
It is challenging in every lesson and the school trips are fun but still educational. We take pride in our work and in the church. We show respect in our learning and for our teachers.
Ben, year 5
Hunton CEP School has made me a different person. We take pride and respect in our school and church. We care for others and ourselves. Hunton helps me to gain confidence. The education here is great!
Hope, year 6
Life at Hunton is very quiet compared to other schools. They do not accept bullying and it has a nice Christian atmosphere i.e. assemblies, Christmas, Easter and so on. Also one of the highlights at Hunton are the school trips such as KS2 visit Chessington every year and year 5 & 6 visit PGL. Another thing I should mention is the kind, supportive teachers throughout the school.
Jude, year 6
Life at Hunton is great because it's fun, especially all the trips we have. The social life is great, people are very kind and friendly, they never leave you out. The learning at Hunton challenges you to reach your potential and encourages you to do things you think you can't do. Teachers at Hunton are kind, they help you out and encourage you.
Amy, year 6
Life at Hunton is amazing because you feel safe, the lessons at Hunton are great because you feel like you are having fun while learning.
Tom, year 5
Hunton School encourages all the pupils to challenge themselves. During some of the school trips we go to, we learn every step we take. I enjoy Hunton CEP School, because I've made loads of friends, everyone shows everyone the same amount of respect.
Connie, year 6